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The Unity of Man- The Mission of Sant Kirpal Singh
Unity of Man Canada

God is a Being

and That Being is You.


When God, the All-loving Creator created mankind, He put a drop of His own self into each one of us. Just as a drop from the ocean is made of the same essence as the ocean, so are we, the soul, the same essence as God.  "He is in us, we are in Him". We have only forgotten this truth. God is right here in each of us, now looking out through our own eyes, seeing what we are seeing at the same time. 

So what will happen when we realize that the divine Godpower resides in each of us?  We will have a direct personal connection with Him, and all of His divine qualities will gradually pass to us. Then, we will begin to accept that God also looks through the eyes of all beings and we can love Him in everyone and everything else. There will be no strangers and no enemies; we can finally begin to see the world the way we were meant to see it; with tolerance and compassion.


Regardless of race, religion, nationality, we really are all brothers and sisters in the fatherhood of God. This is The Unity of Man ConceptIt is so simple and the truth. If everyone could realize this, we could pass the rest of our days in peace.


A new age is just on the horizon. The Golden Age or Age of Truth is unfolding. Mankind will start to shift away from a materialistic to a more spiritual existence where virtues such as truth and compassion will 



But for this shift to manifest fully, we have to be aligned to this higher consciousness by first having the right understanding of who and what we are - we are not the body, we are the soul inhabiting the body. We are all micro-gods. The unity between man and God already exists, we have just forgotten. is dedicated to The Mission of Sant Kirpal Singh under the name of Unity of Man. The purpose of this website is to share the teachings of Sant Kirpal Singh which reveal our true oneness with God, so that the lives of all mankind,  the earth and all its inhabitants can be uplifted. 

Sant Kirpal Singh Old Indian man has a white beard and turban


Living the Unity of Man concept will, with God's help, 

remove all the barriers of religious and national conflict, bringing about understanding between all individuals

and eventually world peace.


Sant Kirpal Singh


Sant Kirpal Singh (February 6, 1894 - August 21, 1974) came to bring to humanity, a new age of higher consciousness called the Golden Age. Founded in 1974 by Sant Kirpal Singh, His Mission called Unity of Man, is not a new faith, sect, or religion, but a worldwide movement of conscious people spreading this truth of unity under His guidance. It does not require anyone to change their religious or outer beliefs, as unity exists far above all limitations of the labels of race, religion, and nationality. Each individual makes their own personal connection with the Highest Consciousness. Unity of Man is free and open to all humanity.

To have this link with God we need to be receptive. For that, we need the right guidance and help from a Competent Power that can give the soul this grace. This power is called the Master Power, and that power came in the physical form of Sant Kirpal Singh. Although that power has left the physical body, that power never dies and is still working to provide guidance and help to all souls even today. This is His Mission.

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