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Writer's pictureSant Kirpal Singh

A life of contentment

Updated: Jun 5

In the now approaching Golden Age, or Sat Yuga - the Age of Truth - the development of the soul becomes very, very slow, like the walk of an ant. The Golden Age is a difficult time for the souls to go back home. There is only one thing that will help you - that is contentment! In the Golden Age everyone will have to live with contentment. “… whatever You give, is sufficient for me “ ...

Overall contentment means, you have to become a (perfect) man from all directions.

Having broken the bondage of desire, he is as happy with a piece of dry bread as he is with the sumptuous meal. In every situation and circumstance of life, he blesses the name of God”. Sant Kirpal Singh

Nothing happens here of its own accord

During our sojourn on this earth-plane, we work out our destiny or fate as planned with great precision and exactitude by what is called Pralabdh Karmas which determine in broad outline the general course and duration of life in each case. So sages call the earth plane "the Field of Actions" - As ye sow, so shall ye reap. Each thought, word and deed is measured and judged; no matter how trivial and insignificant it may appear to be, and justice is administered to each at the end of one's life-span. Every misery or trouble that comes to us is the result of our own past actions.

But never be disheartened if you are made to pay some severe debt, because the goal of human life is perfection, not punishment, and all events which appear to be misfortunes are not really so. They come to humble us and to add to our power of resistance - and leave us better in the end.

The only thing we can do then, is to reconcile ourselves with what is happening, for it will happen no matter what. Whether we go through life’s ups and downs acceptingly or grudgingly, we must still undergo the reactions to our actions. So why not do so calmly, without mental struggle and anxiety? Once we accept that everything is His will (for our betterment), then in whatever circumstances we find ourselves, we should remain contented. The Soul should become so advanced that it feels no difference in good and bad and repose everything in Him. Take everything as His gift and be happy with it. (But the Master Power will be extending all available help to get you through the difficult periods).

How to live in this world

This world is always keeping us busy in material satisfaction. And in the search for outer satisfaction, we drift further away from the real source of joy and bliss. Once a desire is achieved, we get a momentary burst of joy. But that joy is short-lived, as the mind’s nature is to ever expand outward and so, the search begins anew; an endless cycle of satisfaction followed by frustration. Contentment obliges the mind to stay still and acknowledge all that it has to be grateful for, and also turns the attention current towards the Divine benefactor.

Masters never tell us that we should renounce the world. We must live in the world and learn the art of life. We should earn money and we may use it, but we should not live beyond the necessities. We should always have contentment in us. Such high living grants both continence and contentment, the two strong pillars on which the lofty edifice of spirituality is erected.

Living in contentment

Therefore, Masters tell us to have contentment. Such a one is well-balanced in failure and success. He is always full of deep gratitude, and seldom complains about his difficulties whatsoever. He does not believe in hoarding but tries to live a frugal life full of contentment and is not allured by the spell of higher living but considers it as a strong fetter on the human soul. “One who is content blesses God in every circumstance. If my God wants me to live like this, who is there to interfere between me and God?"

You may have certain desires, but stop there; don’t increase them. Then reconsider the desires and where they will take you. What lies ahead, and what will you take with you? We are hurrying, scurrying through life; we are not even conscious of what we are doing most of the time. So the Master advises us to handle all our affairs with tranquil serenity.

What has God given us? All that we need and much more. If we fulfill the conditions of truthfulness and contentment with a sense of gratefulness, He would not deny us anything for which we may happen to wish and while in the world, one remains in contentment without any cares and anxieties.

Significant are the words of the shepherd boy singing in John Bunyan's Pilgrims Progress.

“He that is down need fear no fall.

He that is low, no pride;

He that is humble ever shall

Have God to be his guide.

I am content with what I have,

Little be it, or much;

And Lord, contentment still I crave,

Because thou sayest such. “

Sant Kirpal Singh


  1. Forever With Master - Dr. Harbhajan Singh

  2. Sant Kirpal Singh (books and sayings)

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