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Writer's pictureSant Kirpal Singh

Be True to Yourself

… If one is true to his own self, he is to fear none, “for he is true to God in him, who is in all hearts.” He would, therefore, speak truth, think truth, and deal in truth, for he is aware of the divine help at every step.   Sant Kirpal Singh


So, the first thing is to be true to your own self. When we pretend to be something we are not, hiding our faults and mistakes, or advertising our supposed virtues, we start believing our own lies. We may be doing so many sinful things, but we think we're okay but point out the same things in others. The result is that we slowly kill our own consciousness.  This is how we deceive our own selves first, and then we deceive others.

And we deceive the God in us.

We often hear that we should listen to ourselves, trust ourselves, or be true to ourselves, but who are we? We are conscious entities. We are God in man, the Master in man, and when we are true to ourselves, it means to be true to that Power in you. All troubles begin when we reject our higher selves. God is our true self, no need for anyone else between us. If we accept this, we can have peace.

Before we can deceive others, we first deceive ourselves and it means that we do not believe in His omnipresence, otherwise we would not do these things. Sant Kirpal Singh 


The Creator created everything. He sits in you, so he knows you and sees everything. He even knows your future trend of thought. When you do something wrong you think, “Don’t bother - who will know?” But you know; and the God in you knows. The God in you will not cheat God. It speaks to you as the voice of conscience, but if your mind doesn’t listen, that voice will stay quiet. So we should be truthful..


No one is perfect; we are all on our way to perfection. But if we acknowledge our imperfections, our darkness, and our helplessness, this appeals to God, the Master in us, because that Power is pure and guileless.

If anyone connects to the Master within (just by thinking of Him), and tells Him straight out “this is what I did, or this is what I’m like…”, and does not try to conceal anything from Him, he will guide and protect such a person.

So, surrender the ego, and be transparent with the only one who can help you. Even if it is the worst of things, He does not punish anyone. It is we who punish and hurt ourselves, and like a loving Father, he waits anxiously till we realize our error and ask for His guidance.

In the Golden Age, truth will reign supreme. We can start by being honest with the God in ourselves. Everything comes from that.


Unity of Man Canada

Sant Kirpal Singh
It is a blessing that every action is seen by God

Throughout the ages, different Masters were sent by the Creator to different places to help humanity. However, whenever there is a change in the Age, as now, from the Iron Age to the Golden Age, only the Highest Power can bring about the change. The Almighty power, called Master Power or God Power, came in the physical form of Sant Kirpal Singh,  to raise the consciousness of mankind and bring in The Golden Age. Even though He has left the physical body, (February 6, 1894 – August 21, 1974) he is continuing his work (Mission) as that Power never dies.

Before He left His physical body, Sant Kirpal Singh gave the following message to mankind:

“Tell them (everybody) they don’t need to do anything now (in relation to reunion with God), because what they  do is insufficient. But one thing they must do is – know that what they see, I also see simultaneously. If we live so consciously in His presence, all divine qualities and virtues are transferred to us without effort”    Sant Kirpal Singh  

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Baldev Singh
Baldev Singh
Jul 09

Thanks for refreshing the message of Master. May We surrender the ego, and be transparent with the only one who can help us.

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