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Writer's pictureSant Kirpal Singh

Between us and God, there should be no barrier

Updated: Jun 5

In the now unfolding Golden Age of Truth, as in all times, spirituality is still the only way to reach the Highest Consciousness, but the way spirituality is given has changed. This is what is needed – the times have changed now. As religions, sects, and isms have not served their purpose of bringing all God’s children closer to each other and to Him but rather have acted as obstacles, that power is now being given to each soul directly whether they are ready or not. There is no longer a need for a physical Master, as was the case previously, so no soul need be mislead by any false Masters or religious heads. There should be no barrier.

A baby and Sant Kirpal Singh

Put no one between yourself and the GodPower

Through-out human history, God has sent down his representatives - the Master Saints who were fully God realized sons of God to help His suffering children in exile come back to their true home. So whenever Masters came, they spoke the truth in one voice. They said the same things, but in different languages and in different ways according to the countries they lived in and the customs of the time. Whoever met those Greatest Souls and received Their grace, also realized the Truth and met God there-in. While the Masters were here, all was well, but over time with their absence, the practical aspect of their teachings were corrupted. Religions that began with the noble purpose of keeping these teachings alive, deteriorated over time. Paid preaching further mislead many souls into believing that only through them could a soul connect with God. Thus priests, gurus, so-called Masters and religious heads became more important than God. But if they can only talk of God, yet have no contact themselves with God, how can they help us?

False Masters are doing a great disservice to mankind

Today the world is full of so-called ”Masters” and “Prophets”, using the words and utterances of the Saints and promising the people a contact with God. Using lower powers, they may be able to fulfil wishes or to give certain experiences, enchanting souls away from their spiritual heritage. Anyone who follows them is led away, and anyone who helps them is also led away. They are dangerous for the seeker after Truth because the seeker imbibes the teacher’s qualities and will only go to the same level as his false teacher. The biggest tragedy is that he or she is deprived of the full benefit of meeting the true Master. We did not come to this birth to sink mindlessly into lower and lower consciousness. Therefore to follow a “False Prophet” means, to fail in reaching the only true purpose of human life. Only a soul who has attained complete reunion with God, is a true Saint and can help others to reach the same goal.

Anyone can call himself a Master, a Sant (Saint) or Guru; in name only this is very easy. But to be a True Master carries a tremendous and constant responsibility, for all eternity, to care for each precious soul while on earth and further develop each soul to raise them into pure consciousness until they are delivered to their true home. A true Master or Master Power has no other purpose in this world apart from the work of returning the lost souls to their Source and joining them back to God. He has no vested interest, no financial or political pursuits, not even a need for followers; His attention is centered on the spiritual progress of the soul. Unlike so-called gurus who remain always as gurus and their disciples remain their disciples, a true Saint or Master desires that his followers also become God-realized Saints. Don't look to anyone except that Power. Then you will be saved from being misled. Even if someone seems spiritually very advanced to you, do not bring him between you and the Master- that is a great sin. With these little things, we are LED away from the goal.

This life came with a great promise; that it is your turn to meet God. Therefore, we should rise above religions, above all false Masters, gurus and anyone else we place between ourselves and God so that the love and gratitude that should be reserved for the One who loves and cares for us unconditionally and always, doesn’t get diverted just to shrivel away. If we become lovers of Godpower, then we will love everyone and everything because it is also manifested in them. We will see everything from the level of the soul. Only then will there be peace on earth.

The greatest gift in God’s Universe is God. The greatest need for humanity is to realize God. And the greatest intention of God is to manifest in man.

Sant Kirpal Singh

When God created man, He put everything inside that we would need for this life. He put a drop of his own essence in each of us, our own personal God within.

Now This Power in the form of Sant Kirpal Singh is bringing a great change in the mind of man. He is bringing a spiritual revolution, the Golden Age. God has never been closer to us. And He Himself is doing everything to develop the consciousness of His child. We need look only into the Master within to have development. Between us and God, there is no distance.

Unity of Man

How to contact God, How to find a guru, How to see God

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