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Writer's pictureSant Kirpal Singh

Equality is the Law of Nature.

The clay is the same, formed into different shapes by the potter; All the same, they are clay with the conscious entity residing therein.

A potter molds the clay into differently shaped vessels, but the clay remains the same for all. With the same clay, he can make a water pitcher, an elephant, a house, a boy, or a girl.

Our physical forms are made of the same matter, but He has given them different appearance; and yet, within that clay lies hidden the same conscious entity – the soul

Sant Kabir Das

The Divine Potter (God) makes all the pots different but puts the same light in all.
All are the same

Equality is the Law of Nature.

Races, (religions, nationalities…) like individuals, have their own prides and prejudices; some races boast of superiority of blood in their veins and on that score think that they form a privileged class by themselves favoured by God to rule over and exploit others; but, as is usual in such cases, they are sooner or later overtaken by Nemesis (downfall) -for they that rule by the sword, very often perish by the sword.

Sometimes, we think we are superior. We maybe are in positions of superiority. Each man in his own position asserts, and the result is oppression, hatred, you have no love for others. If you have love for others - you will treat others with equal love.

You must have love for all, hatred for none, as God is immanent in every form and He resides in every heart. What difference is there anyway? We are all born the same way; there are truly no high and no low people. When the Masters come, they say, "Who are you?" You are man, a conscious entity, soul. You are controlled by that Power which resides within you, which is the Life Sustainer, call it whatever name you like, or put any label upon it, the fact remains the same.

With one Light the world came into being--who is high and who is low?

Sant Kabir Das

Here, Sant Kabir Das (15th century Indian poet, mystic) says that the whole world came into being with one Light; who is high, therefore, and who is low? He resides in each being, and every soul is a part of Him.

Without this understanding, when these things go on from day to day, more and more, they result in destruction. Too many conflicts will arise. It is growing more and more.

Right Understanding is the only remedy

Right Understanding

So, what is that Right Understanding? There is some power who has created all of this. The whole world is the manifestation of God. and God made man with equal privileges. All born the same way, no high no low. Everybody lives in the womb for nine months - even the saints who come. Same two eyes, two ears, two nostrils, mouth.. We're all equals as men, as souls. We are brothers and sisters in the Fatherhood of God. Unity already exists, but we have forgotten. There’s no high or low; no Hindus, Mohammedans (Muslims), or Christians, you see. We're all companions, that's all. High, low, right, and wrong are all forgotten in this realization.

A True Master will gather all people around Him, regardless of their religion, caste, or race... It is an example of the right understanding that Masters bring. When people have right understanding, then peace will reign on earth. This is the only panacea for all ills; it always was and always will be. Whenever man forgets the truth – the unity already existent in all – then sorrow and misery descend.

When right understanding comes to all men, there will then be peace in the world.

Sant Kirpal Singh

To attain this Goal purify your nature by living a good life. Manifest truth, purity, love, selflessness and righteousness in your life and activity. Give up all hatred, eradicate egoism and anger. Eschew violence, pledge yourself to love, sincerity, humility, forgiveness and non-violence. Abandon war. Abandon lust for Power. Fill thy heart with compassion, mercy and universal love. Let the Law of Love prevail amongst you, which should be radiated to all nations and races. Let true religions of heart be ruling factor of your lives. Love God, Love all, serve all and have respect for all as God is immanent in every form. Preach the Gospel of oneness. Spread the message of oneness and live a life of oneness. There will be peace on earth. This is the mission of my life and I pray it may be fulfilled.

Sant Kirpal Singh

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