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Writer's pictureSant Kirpal Singh

How we can have Peace on Earth?Peace begins in our hearts.

In this season of joy in which many around the world will celebrate the birth of a great prince of peace, we must reflect on how it is that peace still evades mankind. How can we have peace?

When people will rise above isms and the labels they are carrying…and Kings and Presidents would rise above countries. Let us pray to God to awaken us Sant Kirpal Singh

God did not create any divisions. Simply, He was One and wanted to be many, no distinction. In reality, all labels are false divisions created by the ego of man, to claim superiority over and dominate each other, and have nothing to do with God. So, if we really want peace, we must learn to rise above all the self-created labels that separate us from each other and from God. It may be difficult to rise above these ancient prejudices, but we must convince our minds. No outer religion or outer belief can do this. Only we can choose, and then ask for God’s grace to help us give up all the things that sever our hearts from our fellow man, all creatures, and our earth.

Just learn to sit together in love, leaving aside all thoughts of duality, for we all are children of God. Sant Kirpal Singh

Sant Kirpal Singh came to rid us of the labels that separate us

The hallmark of all spiritual teachers has been their mission to remind humankind of the unity that already exists, and to raise the consciousness of mankind. They never came to start religions. But the Highest Power came to bring in the  Golden Age in the form of Master Sant Kirpal Singh with the Highest Mission; to lift humanity above all its self-created problems, by putting an end to all sects and isms, to all the ways in which religion separates mankind, as truth exists far above religion. If you go without any prejudice, you will find the same Truth everywhere.


Master started with the Unity of Man, to make a halt to the isms and sects growing day by day… Unity of Man is the teaching for all humanity. Reality is no ism Dr. Harbhajan Singh

These various labels stand in the way between us and God. The truth is there is only one God. There is One controlling Power, whatever name you call it; this is only God. All other religions came into being according to man’s personal wishes. We in our own zealousness consider that perhaps we have the only truth and nobody else. And so, as long as we don’t rise above these petty racial and clannish prides and prejudices, which have clouded our vision, we cannot gain access to the bright sunshine of loving unity and have peace within and without.

So now, the upcoming times have called for a new approach. When we took on these false identities, we forgot our real divine nature. So now the contact with the Godpower is being  given directly, without the agency of sects, isms or religions, so that no one can come between the Father and the child..

The solution to all otherness then, is to realize the truth that God is in us, and in everyone, in everything, and everywhere. So where is the otherness? As lovers of God, we should rise above all religions, and love all humanity. Then there is no enemy. There is no stranger.

We are all souls. It is so simple, and it is the truth. If we can sit together as souls and think of God, love God, where is the need for religions? And if we see God in our own self and in everyone else, where will race or nationality come into play? And if we see that Power flowing in all creation, how can we harm our fellow creatures or the planet? Then there will be a big awakening in this world.

For lasting peace must begin in the heart of man, at the level of man, not at the level of religion.  The change comes from within. We are all human beings, but before that we are the soul - the indweller of the physical body. When there will be peace in the heart of man, then there will be peace on earth. Because that is where God resides. And when you realize that it is God looking through your eyes, your heart will be filled with love and compassion for all that lives sentient or insentient, viz, man, beast, bird and all nature.  And this is the true faith, the true religion. Peace on Earth begins by knowing yourself.

Sant Kirpal Singh

Everything is God.

We are all children of the same God – we are all brothers and sisters in God. See Him in the eyes of every living soul, and love every soul because He lives in them.

Because love is the most expansive force in God’s universe, and God is pure love. He will expand our love out from our families, out from our countries, out to all peoples, regardless of how different they are from us. Then He will expand our love to all creatures, then to the plants and to the earth. So that there will be no duality, only He will exist everywhere you look. This is His mission. Man-made institutions want to make us obey and stay within the confines of their dictates. Master wants us to be free. He wants to make Gods of us.

Spread the message of oneness and live a life of oneness. There will be peace on earth. This is the Mission of my life, and I pray it may be fulfilled Sant Kirpal Singh.

Unity of Man Canada

Happy Holidays to all

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