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Writer's pictureSant Kirpal Singh

Leaders of Government in the New Age

The New Humanity will choose illumined men and women as their appointed leaders. The destiny of nations will lie in the hands of those who possess the highest spiritual endowments and the widest vision of global service. The children who will control the internal and external activities of future nations must be educated into the paths of right knowledge, right thinking, right actions, and right human relationships. All mankind will then obtain the necessities of life. Privilege and persecution will cease to exist, and new vision of the spiritual realities of life will result from this reorientation of the young. And then, in truth, the lion will lie down with the lamb. Saint Kirpal Singh

God-realized people have always stressed that if we lived according to Divine will, we would be living with the blueprint of how to live well and bring heaven on earth.

Sant Kirpal Singh brought to the modern age the relevance of spirituality in all aspects of life, both individual and for the upliftment of society as a whole - because nothing, absolutely nothing, is separate from God. He underlined the principle that spirituality should be the guiding light in all of man's affairs. By living in accordance with our spirit or soul, which is the same essence as God, all physical, mundane and political problems could easily be solved

Accordingly, he met with numerous religious heads, but also with the political leaders of many countries, to begin the process of transformation called the Golden Age. He promised to bring a global shift in consciousness - in each person and in all of mankind's institutions.


One man can help or lead astray a whole nation from their divine heritage. Therefore, the urgent need is to have good leaders; an ideal man led by ideal principles.

If he is interested in name or fame, he will always see things from his perspective, from the angle of how to get some benefit for himself, no matter the cost to others.  What is needed is someone who is free of self-interest; who can think of the good of all people. 

For this, Sant Kirpal Singh emphasized the ideal of government of the people, by the people, and for the good of the people. Leaders should not be in power for their own self-interest, but rather, they have the “responsibility of taking care of so many children of God”, showing that even governments should find their basis in the spiritual aspect.

It had been the practice of leaders in the past to rely on some spiritual man to guide them. They would always consult the spiritual man first, because he could give competent advice on how to run the government ethically and peacefully, being free of any self-interest himself. This is not necessarily religious people, as there is a vast difference between spiritual and religious people. Unfortunately, most religious people are also political at heart, caring only for their own religions and communities. Yet, we must rise above all these restrictions and see from a higher level of consciousness, wherein all are children of God.

Leaders need the guidance of some spiritual person, unbound from mind and matter, and free of ego and self-interest. Even the government needs guidance. For lack of this, so much suffering going on.



The real cause of the social malaise, however, lies far deep in the human mind. The state administrations may, to a certain extent… control the physical movements of their subjects; but cannot wash and purify the feelings and emotions of the people, nor can they correct their understanding and set right their thoughts. Unless we get a correct lead in the values of life, the higher spiritual values I mean, we cannot think and act correctly.                                                                                                                                              Sant Kirpal Singh

Everyone blames the government for their problems, but the government is not to blame. It is we who choose the people by giving them our votes.

Everything is a reflection of our own selves; we get the government we deserve. If a leader incites hatred amongst the people, and citizens are susceptible to that message, then he will only bring about division and suffering unto his own people by going against the Divine Law of Oneness.

One duty of a good citizen, therefore, is to consciously select a good leader; a person of integrity, a principled and honest person who lives according to a higher conviction. Regardless of which party they come from, votes should be given to those people who know the needs of the people and have also served those needs through selfless service, knowing that they work at the will of the people.

However, by far the most important thing we can do is to become the type of leaders we want to have.

If we ourselves become ideal by giving a seat to the Godpower within us, and recognizing that Power in everyone, the more such people in number, the more peace and love we can have for one another. This can only be achieved when we have right understanding all around. If we would just join together, that very understanding will radiate peace and goodwill to all and draw the help of the Master within to realize this ideal. With unity, then there would be no need for any military, no police; no need to defend ourselves against others, as there would be no otherness. There would be heaven on earth.


The New Humanity will choose illumined men and women as their appointed leaders. The destiny of nations will lie in the hands of those who possess the highest spiritual endowments and the widest vision of global service. The children who will control the internal and external activities of future nations must be educated into the paths of right knowledge, right thinking, right actions, and right human relationships. All mankind will then obtain the necessities of life. Privilege and persecution will cease to exist, and new vision of the spiritual realities of life will result from this reorientation of the young. And then, in truth, the lion will lie down with the lamb. Saint Kirpal Singh

The only thing needed is to become conscious co-creators, or ambassadors of the divine plan by following the dictates of our Higher Self, and help is always extended with just a thought of Him. Then everything could be solved so lovingly and amicably.

We are at the beginning of this movement. We will witness a sea change in how things are done. But it has to start from each of us, from our true selves, the soul. Because from truth will truth be revealed.

Though this world is not the soul’s true home, it is a great learning ground for the soul on it’s journey homeward.  It is only up to each one of us to wake up. Then, we can leave a great legacy for our children, the future leaders, and all our fellow-men here and hereafter.


Sant Kirpal Singh

A Saint and a Prime Minister
A Saint and a Prime Minister. Sant Kirpal Singh and Irish Head of state

The mission of God is the hope and future of humanity. The change in people's consciousness will take time. But nothing can stop it. God himself is the doer in it. Our true Eternal Father now wants to liberate humanity from its ignorance to end the danger of self destruction. Man, as the crown of creation, must sooner or later do justice to the will of God.

Unity of Man

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