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Writer's pictureSant Kirpal Singh

Life is just a movie - It's all Unreal.

Updated: Jun 5

The film is ready. The body is the screen, and the film is shown. We play out different scenes, throughout our stay here; some dramatic, some pleasant, and some tragic.

When we, the soul, a drop of the Highest Consciousness called God, incarnate in a human body, we come with a script. Who we are, our personality, our circumstances, the people in our lives (our fellow actors), our props (possessions, houses, cars), our setting (where we live)… And once this act comes to an end, we leave, only to come back in another role (another body) with different actors, props, characters over and over again until one day our soul cries out to God to let this be over. "How many times do I have to go through this? I'm getting weary!".

Why do we keep coming back?

We keep coming and going, dying and being reborn because our Karmas keep bringing us back. Life happens according to a plan. As you sow, so shall you reap. That plan is a direct result of the reactions of each one’s own actions, good and bad, over many lives. It is the Lord’s flowing pen that has written our life solely for our benefit; to help us learn from our past actions for the growth of our consciousness.

Everything is the Lord’s play.

Everything in the Universe is the fruit of the Law of Karma. The whole network of creation runs by its strength; action-reaction, over and over. But, if we surrender to that Higher Intelligence - the creator of this Universe, and we are not doing anything anymore, we remain unaffected by action, the karmas will finish, and the coming and going will cease when the part allotted to us is performed. If you are not the doer, then there is no problem. It is only when one sees that a Higher power is driving everything, that God’s Light is working within oneself and in everyone else, that the I-hood goes. This is the ultimate goal.

Then what is real in our lives?

In reality, none of this outer play is real, so better not to get too entangled in it's drama. Even our first companion, the body is not real. It will be shed and left here like old clothing, and everything that came with this body will likewise be discarded in a microsecond when we die. Only your inner self, the soul, is the real you, and the Godpower or Masterpower has been the only true constant in the countless existences of each soul. This is only real identity we've ever had.

As we are spiritual beings or energy, we can never truly feel at home in these material bodies. By depersonalizing our soul - turning our attention away from ourselves and the world, and redirecting it towards the God within, we can detach from the physical essence of who we are and gain more and more of the spiritual essence. This is our true purpose.

Loosing our Identity in Him

How can we depersonalize the Soul? Know that it is He looking through our eyes right now and then you will start feeling the nearness of God.

When we live so consciously in the loving remembrance that God sees what we see through our eyes, all divine attributes gradually pass to us.

We will slowly start to depersonalize the soul, without having to exert ourselves, simply through loving remembrance. When we live consciously like this, we receive guidance and protection without doing anything, just by being aware.

In this way, we bring God back into our lives. Masters tell us the way to live in this world is to do our duties, be loving, but go through life attached to something much Higher. Take Him along with us, let Him live and enjoy life through us.

Once we embrace the totality of His being, we can bring peace to ourselves and to everyone on earth. Then it will be His plan, and life will flow effortlessly without struggle.

Sant Kirpal Singh

There has only ever been one true constant; the unseen hand of God has always been there guiding everyone. We could be free, but with our wish to assert ourselves, we don’t see that only He is the doer, and we are just the puppet in His hands.

Life is the only game that you win when you lose. As you lose yourself, surrender those “things” that we think make us who we are - our false identity - we regain our Godhood, and then we can live a truly inspired life. The greatest sin is to forget God. But with Right Understanding, we will realize that we are all already One with Him, nothing else.

Unity of Man Canada

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