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Writer's pictureSant Kirpal Singh

Open yourself to the Higher Consciousness

Instead of completely giving ourselves to the healthier, higher and holier influence coming from above, we remain, for the most part mind-ridden, and thus we stand in the way of the Divine Power which comes down like a gentle dove if we are but ready to receive Him.

Thoughts are very potent. Just a single negative thought can poison the entire atmosphere. So, imagine the damage we are doing to ourselves when we daily invite these thoughts into our homes through the media, TV, radio... It is you however, who can decide where to give your attention, which is the expression of the soul.

One very simple thing we can do right now to improve our lives is, that instead of giving our attention to hateful thoughts and violent and divisive language, which only bring us fear, anxiety and hopelessness, we can open ourselves to healthier, higher and holier influences.

Every moment, every thought, every action is creating your life. Therefore, it is very important that our thoughts are always on something higher.

Where should we put our attention? It is said that a man becomes what he thinks about all day. So, if we would like to attain bliss and perfection in this life, we should put our attention only on a Perfect soul full of divine qualities, who can lift our soul with just a thought of Him.

Master Saints give God as a gift to humanity. The Master Saint is the Word made flesh, the God power or Master power, and the very divine qualities we should aspire to are reflected in Him. He is merciful, He loves everyone and everything, and He always works for the betterment of all.

Receptivity: The key to getting the full benefit of the Master Power is to develop receptivity. Then, you don't have to do anything or become anything. You have but to turn your face towards the Master Power, then these qualities will pass to you, slowly without your doing anything.

When you pay heed to the Master’s words, the more you grow in love for Him, and the more receptivity you will develop.

The great souls filled the entire atmosphere with their radiation. Just a thought of such a one, We feel uplifted.

Even to think of such a Soul, produces sympathetic waves of love from Him. You will experience within, a soothing influence and a sort of divine intoxication from heart to heart (whether one has seen Him physically or known about Him previously or not). You cannot underestimate this charging - you get it free without any effort, without any payment whatsoever. Even speaking about the Master, vibrates love which radiates to everyone.

When we remember Him, He remembers us, with all His heart and soul.

The more you love him, the more you will abide in the Lord, for love is constant remembrance. In that way receptivity is formed.

This world is simply a reflection of each soul. So, it is our duty to turn away from the mud of the world, and perfect ourselves through association with a Higher Consciousness. Then we can reflect this to others so that they too may see how to live more consciously and lovingly in this world.

Everything begins and ends with sweet remembrance. So much so that you forget who you are, and ultimately, you see only the Power working in you.

Sant Kirpal Singh

Sant Kirpal Singh (1894-1974) came with the Highest Consciousness to help humanity find its way back to Godhood, our true nature. This Power never leaves, and is always working in the world. We do a great disservice to ourselves if we think that it is no longer working, or if we put someone in between ourselves and this higher consciousness. We need nothing else but the Highest Consciousness. This power is innate in each one, we only need to be receptive to it.

To build receptivity, daily contact with God is the only remedy. This is given by the Master through his sayings, his books, and through his tapes. Here you will find a link to some resources about the Master and His Mission, Unity of Man.


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