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Writer's pictureSant Kirpal Singh

QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS: Why is there so much suffering in the world?

Updated: Sep 23

The teachings of Sant Kirpal Singh are a treasure of divine wisdom and offer a positive approach to the problems of life. The Questions and Answers are meant to give outer guidance for present-day problems through these timeless teachings.



If there is a God, why is there so much suffering in the world ?

It is hard to see so much suffering in this world and not wonder how this can be. All suffering is a result of our own past thoughts, words and actions; our karmas (in this and previous incarnations). We are all in the same boat, helplessly and endlessly collecting karmas"As you sow, so shall you reap... If any trouble has arisen, that is a reaction of the past. "

But, "in the end, all the ups and downs of life are passing phases." Sant Kirpal Singh often quoted His Master, “ if one thinks one can remove all the thorns from the worldly life, well, it is an im­possibility; however, if one wears strong boots, one will not feel them”. . He further explained that, "To wear strong boots means to live within the protection of the Master’s radiation—not physically, but through thought and attention—be so much in His radiation."

That Power that created us, feels our suffering and will never abandon us, nor leave us to needlessly suffer, for there is a solution to all our problems. By simply asking for His guidance, the God or Masterpower in us can help by "setting aside or adjusting some reactions to finish them off". Under His protection, earthly life is made easier.

That Power does not want us to suffer, it wants to alleviate our suffering so that it is easier for us to realize the God within -  for the true source of all suffering is that man holds himself separate and different from God and his fellow-man, thus creating his karmas and struggling all alone. If we sincerely listen to the Master's life-giving guidance of how to live in this world, and know that it is God living through us, then we could give our cares to Him and live loveably the rest of our days.

"When a man gets disheartened and there seems to be no chance of hope from any direction, then the Satguru (Master) comes and takes him across all his tribulations… When we have fully reposed  ourselves in him, then we come under his complete protection."

Unity of Man Canada

So many are suffering, but we all have the key. Master is the key for the entire Golden Age, and he wants us to help alleviate this suffering by right understanding, which He will give if we follow and share His words.

Just know, He can do nothing, absolutely nothing that would be against us. Because we are His own self.


* All quotations are the words of Sant Kirpal Singh.

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