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Writer's pictureSant Kirpal Singh

THE GOLDEN AGE: A time of transformation in the consciousness of man

Updated: Jan 3

Four Cyclical Ages (Yugas) of Mankind

Just as there are four seasons in a year, there are four Yugas, or recurring cycles of time in the universe: the Golden Age, Silver Age, Copper Age, and Iron Age. With each successive yuga, there is a deterioration in humanity’s general level of consciousness, and morality. Similarly, every age has different rules (See epilogue below for more information and description)

The Iron Age or Kali Yuga, the last in the series of cyclical ages, known as a time of iniquity, darkness, cruelty and ignorance, is coming to an end. The approaching Age of Truth (Sat) or Golden Age, the first and longest of the four ages, is an age of compassion and charity, where Truth reigns supreme.


A reign of peace for the earth and all its inhabitants, The Golden Age is a time when humankind can attain to supreme blessedness. With God’s help, all hindrances of religious and national conflicts are ended, and understanding between all men will grow, leading ultimately to World Peace.

In this Golden Age of truth, consciousness is at its height, which means that now we (our souls) will have the direct and independent link or contact to The Higher Power or Higher Consciousness called God; no barrier, no need for any intermediary, as the contact is given directly to each soul, giving the shortest way back to God.

However, for this change to begin, a Spiritual revolution or Spiritual Change must happen. No man or institution on earth can bring about this Spiritual change, only the Highest Power can do it. The God Power or Master Power that controls the entire creation will create a Spiritual Change or Spiritual Revolution that will shift humankind from a mere material and physical existence to evolve mankind spiritually.

Sant Kirpal Singh’s Mission in the Golden Age.

Every Master, through-out the ages, came with a specific purpose, or commission from God. However, whenever there is a change in the Age, like the one from the Iron Age to the Golden Age, which has already started within, only the Highest Power is competent to bring about this change.

So, the Almighty power, called Master Power or God Power came in the physical form of Sant Kirpal Singh, who was specially sent to the world to finish with The Iron Age and bring in The Golden Age. Even though He has left the physical body, (February 6, 1894 – August 21, 1974) he is continuing his work (Mission) in the higher spiritual planes.

When this Power leaves the body, it does not transfer Its Mission to another human pole, as was done previously, but starts working with "thousands of hands"; all those who believe and are enthusiastic to work for His Mission.

Each individual will be the center of the spiritual change, because the change must start with man-making - changing the hearts of each human being, against the evil propensities of the mind that keep us away from God. The Spiritual change will reveal the already existing Unity of Man, which is the only solution to all the difficulties man faces in this life. This cannot be done on the level of institutions and social bodies; the work has to be done on the level of man.

And this is the revolution, the spiritual revolution, which is coming up – an awakening all around.

The Golden or higher age of Sat Yuga will be born from Kali Yuga – it will not fall from heaven all at once. The change has started: those who have eyes may see, those who have ears may hear. It is always darker before dawn, but the more darkness there is, so the more light there is before us.

Sant Kirpal Singh


EPILOGUE: Rules of life in the Golden Age

Every age has different rules. The path back to God has different rules in the Golden Age as compared with the Iron Age. Somethings that were relevant in the Iron Age, are not relevant anymore. To be able to achieve Self-realization and God-realization we must understand these rules relevant to the Golden Age in which we are living
In the Golden Age, there are four pillars that must be practically lived in order to go back home: Truth, Penance, Compassion and Charity. 1. Truth: Truth is the highest of the pillars in the Golden Age. Each law and each dealing is based on Truth. There is no concession and no compensation. As you sow, so shall you reap. 2. Penance: continuous yearning for reunion with God; state of meditation in the Golden Age (and Silver Age) 3. Compassion: having the virtues of pity, piety, mercy and help(fulness). 4. Charity: To give and forget; the way of selfless service and devotion onto the Master.

Dr. Harbhajan Singh

Unity of Man

Former Chairman of Kirpal Sagar and initiate of Sant Kirpal Singh


  1. Forever With Master - Dr. Harbhajan Singh

  2. Sant Kabir Das (books and sayings)

  3. Sant Kirpal Singh (books And sayings)

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