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Writer's pictureSant Kirpal Singh


Updated: Apr 28

The majority of people are obsessed either with irretrievable happenings in the past or imaginary fears ahead in the unknown future. Sant Kirpal Singh

Right now, is the most important point of time in all eternity. Because it is in this moment only that you can hope to affect a change for the better in your life. What happened in the past cannot be changed. And what will happen in the future cannot be known; it is all imagination fed by the intellect and ego. Life happens only in this moment, and by being fully and wholly absorbed in it, we can set the stage for the rest of our existence.

Since the beginning, the truth of life can only be found in the Living Moment, where one can just be, no space for thought: no judgement and no separation between the soul and God. It is then that you are at the center, and He is looking through your eyes, observing what is.

And if we honor each living moment by putting our attention, which is another name for love,  wholly and solely on God, the Master, you can realize who you truly are; God. Every living moment will then be like a shining pearl in a string of the soul’s consciousness, and there will be nothing wrong in this world.

Thoughts of the past and the future eat away most of our time, keeping our life stuck in an unreal state.  So, Masters enjoin us to forget the past, forget the future, and live in the living present NOW with God.

The living moment is the only place where you can meet God within you. He is already there; it is all a matter of paying attention. Sant Kirpal Singh

How can we live in the Living moment ? Whether eating, working, studying, whatever it is; Masters tell us if we do one thing at a time, fully engrossed in it, then we will be making good use of this precious moment. But the best use is to be fully engrossed in God and nothing else.

Now is the time to live God, not to seek him, because now, God, our true Father, has come Himself in the form of Sant Kirpal Singh to remind us of who we really are.

By remembering the Master’s face, His words, and writings, and how our eternal Father lived in the world is a remedy for oneself. There will be no room for worry anxiety, or fear.

Those who remember the Power behind their eyes will be able to reap the fruits of it here and after that. Because at the end of our journey as souls, what counts is what we have filled each living moment with.


Unity of Man Canada

Sant Kirpal Singh dawn of a new day
The living moment is the only place where you can meet God

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