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Writer's pictureSant Kirpal Singh

The Love of the Master Saint

Updated: Dec 6, 2022

Everything and everyone who you hold dear will leave you one day, whether through circumstance, death, or disaffection. The entire human life is a drama based on the inexorable Law of Karma which results in union and separation of the souls for the liquidation of their mutual give and take. But there is One who will never leave you; your true friend. That is the God Power, Christ Power or Master Power. “When all others desert you, I will not abandon you, nor allow you to perish the last. I shall never leave thee nor forsake thee till the end of the world.” All Masters say so in their own language.

Master Saints are a sea of love, and when the tides rise in it, even the people sitting on the seashore get drenched.

The Master’s love for His children is immeasurable and unfathomable and the more it is enjoyed, the more it grows. People of all denominations flock into the fold of the Master Saint because he is overflowing with love for all. Even as a man, he is the holiest of the holy, most pious and most loving; with love that far transcends societies, countries, and nations. He is not the Master of a few of us, or whatever He initiated, He is the Master of the whole creation; the God-in-man who can give you a contact with God.

Through unbounded compassion he delivers God’s message to suffering humanity and prays that they may be saved from the imperceptible fire in which all are being consumed

He is at peace with all and is angry with none. He smilingly forgives all who talk ill of him and does not pick flaws in others. His love embraces all humanity. Christ-like, he proclaims and practices the cardinal truth, Love thine enemies. He knows but looks beyond our shortcomings and smilingly helps us to overcome them.

He has genuine love alike for persons of all religions, nationalities, and countries. He sees the Light of God in all. His appeal is therefore universal to all mankind. All are born of the same Light, and as such there is no difference between man and man. All-merciful and all-knowing, He treats all alike..

When the Masters came, what did they tell us? They said, "Love is the way back to God. God is Love and our souls are also Love, and it is through love alone that we can know God.

Master Saints are a sea of love, and when the tides rise in it, even the people sitting on the seashore get drenched.


So love cannot be expressed in words. Rest assured you are dear to me-that's all I can say, you see. You don't know how much love I have for you. Perhaps if you knew, you would be dancing all around.

There is the love of the parents, you see; the love of the Master is hundreds and thousands of parents' together. He ever keeps His loving eyes on (the soul) and guards him from all that is harmful, for his love knows no bounds. As a mother tends her child and ever looks after him, gives him food and nourishment for growth all around; so does the Master look after his beloved with Godly love.

After all, they are all His children. He does not look at their unworthiness. He is there to make them worthy. He cannot leave them – His love is so great.


The responsibility of a competent Mater is great indeed; He takes upon himself an immense load. Not only (does) He guide and help us in this world, but He is also a torchbearer in our journey within.

By individual instructions and attention, he gradually weans us from sense pleasures. He tells us that he is neither body nor mind nor intellect, but something more glorious — soul or spirit — and has been endowed by Nature with various faculties to serve a high purpose in life. By spiritual discipline, the Master enables the devotee to free his mind of mental oscillations. Now he develops a state of equipoise, and with it he begins to evaluate life from a different angle. His entire outlook is changed and a consciousness of spirit dawns in him.

You are all dear to me. Whether you are in the East or the West makes no difference to me. Outer forms make no difference.

While you are here on this common ground of spirituality you forget your outer levels of living. This is the first quality you acquire when you come to some Master: you lose all otherness. You see all mankind as one; you see the same soul in everyone.

Master does not need love of you at all. It's for our own purpose, we become overflowing with Love by coming in Contact.. So love is a great blessing of course.


The importance of the Master cannot be over-emphasized. He is in fact the central figure, from the beginning to the end, in life and after life, helping visibly and invisibly beyond the ends of the earth, right up to the Judgement seat of God, and even beyond. The Master is competent to impart further guidance and instructions, even when he is working on the spiritual plane after leaving the physical world, just by turning your attention to Him.

"If you direct your attention to the Master, you will become what He is. Whatever is in Him will be transmitted to you, reflected in you."

Unless one … absorbs His words they cannot be reborn; into the life of spirit.. In the beginning it may be by mere words that the facts of life are conveyed, of a new world more beautiful than this, viz.: And, Brahmand, Par Brahmand, and Sat Lok or Sach Khand (higher spiritual planes). O Soul, you are the dweller of that land - why have you allowed yourself to be captivated here?

Master then develops it within you, because he wants you to reach the same stage as himself. He wants you to enjoy the bliss that he enjoys. The Master goes on protecting and giving, whether the disciple knows it or not; for he is like a small child which never realizes how much worry and trouble it is to its mother

Christ said, "Those who do not understand love cannot understand God. Those who do not know love cannot know God." The tenth Guru of the Sikhs also gave us the same thing: "Hear ye all,"-- irrespective of whether you belong to the East or the West, to one country or the other or to one religion or the other--"I tell you the truth: God is had only through love.”

I want you to love. That will give you physical health, moral health and spiritual health. That is the only way back to God.

Oh soul, remember your true Father and slowly, slowly something from His Ocean of Love will fill your heart.

Sant Kirpal Singh

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