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Writer's pictureSant Kirpal Singh

The Science of Spirituality

Updated: Sep 16

From understanding how the human body works, to exploring the outer reaches of space, mankind has made incredible progress in all walks of life….

But all these discoveries of the scientific mind, are on the physical plane, and have completely ignored the most vital study- that of the soul, our true self and the very essence of life;  a drop of consciousness from the All-Conscious Power behind everything. This is the Science of Spirituality, or study of Consciousness, and how the soul, when differentiated from the mind, body and the senses, can connect directly with that Great Power within.  There is no study which can greater benefit humanity.  

Spirituality is a Science

Since ancient times,  Masters have been keen observers and practitioners of the mystery of the soul and its connection to the Oversoul, or God Power. Their experiences, which have been documented in various scriptures show that practitioners of this mystical science shared similar experiences of this Power. So, the true teaching remains the same age after age and is the same for everyone. That is the definition of Truth.

The Masters of the mystic science have been deeply engaged with the development of this mysterious Power called life, and the results of Their experiments are recorded in the form of various scriptures of the world, which in spite of the apparent differences, reveal a marvelous uniformity at the core - a basic unity testifying oneness of the source - the immutable radiance of the divinity…
There is one and only one way Godward, for all alike…It is the most ancient and the most natural way, universal in its appeal, since it is ordained by God Himself for His children, no matter wherever in the wide world they may be or whatever religion they may profess, and whatever be their colour, caste or creed. This in essence is the scope of Spiritual Science as taught by Mastersouls...  Sant Kirpal Singh

Further, the Masters have shown that spirituality is a practical science on every level, and that their experiences can be replicated by anyone.

…. Spirituality emerges as a science as scientific as any other, verifiable in its results. Let any seeker take it up, and let him create the conditions that are prerequisites in the soul’s laboratory as sure as the day follows the night shall he rise into the Kingdom of God.  Sant Kirpal Singh

Spirituality is no blind faith.

Sceptics assert that the spiritual sciences are based solely on blind faith. There is no blind faith in Spirituality. Whereas organized religions are open to interpretation, spirituality is based on experiential knowledge, not mere dogma and intellectual interpretation.

Blind faith or blind belief has no place in the spiritual science, which should work out results with mathematical precision as any other science would do. Wherever and whenever persons have experimented in this science, they have one and all given their experiences and come to the same conclusions. Sant Kirpal Singh

Spirituality reveals the Highest truth to Man.

All Saints, scientists, inventions, knowledge, all creation come from One source. So if knowledge and truth are really the goal, it is absolutely necessary to realize that Source in you directly. True wisdom lies in that.

The soul’s natural inclination is to seek the truth in all things, because it is a spark of the All-Consciousness, which only knows truth. The truth will be revealed that God, the Power behind the entire Cosmos, can be experienced in oneself.

So what will happen when we change our perspective from outer to inner awareness? All knowledge will be clothed in love and bliss, and the solutions to all mankind's problems will flow down, inspired by this highest grace and purpose.

Unity of Man Canada

Sant Kirpal Singh often repeated that the importance of only believing what you hear with your own ears and see with your own eyes, so as to never be mislead. Those who accept the Master’s teachings and work under his direction can see for themselves. He will prove the truth to you.

He is not the body, He is the Power.

Sant Kirpal Singh
Spirituality is the way to Truth

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