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Writer's pictureSant Kirpal Singh

The Spiritual Anatomy of the Human Body

Updated: Jun 5

What lies behind you, and what lies in front of you, pales in comparison to what lies inside of you. Ralph Waldo Emerson

There is a whole other dimension to this wonderful body we live in, that we not be aware of. The spiritual anatomy of the human body was uniquely designed by Providence to know our true selves and to connect to the Source of everything, God. But unfortunately, we know nothing of its true worth and potential.

In the physical body, there are spiritual centres extending from the eye focus upwards, which serve as milestones on the path Godward as one traverses from one plane to another. The planes are not physical places, but rather progressive levels of consciousness and signify different stages in spiritual unfoldment, giving greater awakening to and awareness of the high order as one proceeds from one plane to another.

Additionally, the body has nine doors or apertures.. ( two eyes, two nostrils, two ears, mouth, the rectal and genital organs). Every human being also has a secret chamber within himself which is called the “closet of the body”. If you withdraw your attention from the 9 doors. - and you withdraw within, you will find a tenth door as well (the seat of the soul at the back of the eyes, between the eyebrows). This is the door that leads you from the body to enter into the Kingdom of God.

About 80% of all impressions that are received from outside come through the eyes. Yet, the Masters tell us that there is another eye, called the third eye, the single eye, or the Shiv Netra. When the two eyes meet at the practical point above the nose, they become single, and the inner path is opened, through which we become familiar with the Beyond. This “Single eye” is in each one, even in those who are blind. But the single eye is closed. We have to open it, and when it is opened, one grows in awareness and consciousness of a higher order. And when that opens up, you will find worlds and worlds within you.

And what is within? The Masters say that there is Light and there is very sweet Music of the Spheres continually going on. You do not have to create it. And here you get contact with the Higher Self or God, which is the Light and Sound Principle.

When God wished, “From One I should become many”, there was vibration, and this vibration resulted in two things – Light and Sound. Sant Kirpal Singh

There's a great Light that enlivens our body. We're a small, tiny light. The light within serves as an anchorage to the mind as it inverts and it gradually leads the mind-ridden soul to the first stage on the spiritual path, the region of the 1000 Petaled Lotus. The Sound current is the active life-principle of the whole creation; the one audible life stream pulsating in and out of every living being and emanating from God. Born of the vibratory motion of the atoms as they revolve and whirl about, different sounds are produced depending on the varying densities of the planes in which it operates. Its essence is Pure Consciousness. The ancients called it the music of the spheres. voice of many waters.. By listening to the Sound within, we get tied to the Source of the Sound, God.

However, unless the senses are withdrawn from outside, you will not be able to have any awareness of your own self or be able to contact the Higher Self or God within you. It is a matter of rising above the physical body consciousness and opening the inner eye or the single eye.

Only a true Master bestows vision to the third eye that has long been lying, sealed, as it were, by constant disuse. He opens the inner Eye, and enables us to see the Light of God. The Master will guide you and protect you along the way, and with His attention raise you above body consciousness to see the Light of God, even when He is not physically present because He is not the physical body, but the Spirit. It only requires some receptivity to Him. Those who are really interested in the subject are automatically led to the right place by the God power within them. The Master power, like all other powers of nature, electricity, magnetism, and gravitation, is all pervading and one can have all the advantages of the gifts of nature freely and fully if one wants to and is really interested in the same.

Great is the human body in which we live. It is the perfect instrument with which we can realize our Higher selves. If we consider that we are light and sound, the harmony of spheres in an infinite space of love and bliss, our present existence is only a tiny shadow of it.

Sant Kirpal Singh

In the Iron Age that is just finishing, it was necessary to have a human pole in the form of a Master to guide humanity. Every Saint had His commission and His time. The Almighty Power Himself came in the form of Sant Kirpal Singh to bring about the Golden Age of Consciousness. And now, in the Golden Age, the power is given directly from the Source to each soul. Sant Kirpal Singh’s Mission, Unity of Man is to reveal the already existing unity between God and man.

During the last Unity of Man Conference, Sant Kirpal Singh stated that He wanted to work with thousands of hands. But to work with thousands of hands, He was responsible for developing them to do the work. Now that God-Power or Master-Power is present in both the spirit form, as our Souls, as well as in the physical form of each human being; a thousand hands. So, there is no separation, He is 100% present, and we have a direct link in our very own bodies. We only need to become conscious.

Unity of Man

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