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Writer's pictureSant Kirpal Singh


Updated: Apr 28

The time has come for a great change in this world. In the midst of the hopeless self-created situation humanity finds itself in, a new world is on the horizon. There is hope. The Highest Consciousness, or God Power is bringing a great change in the mind of man.

The Masters of the past were commissioned by God to come at different times and in different places all over the world, to show humanity how, by living in connection with the God Power in themselves, humanity could also live lovingly and equitably with each other. However, each time these Master Saints left, those same spiritual teachings were used by their followers as weapons to proclaim their superiority over the followers of other departed Masters, thereby going completely against the life-giving spirit of the great teachings. The Godpower Himself, seeing that His children are suffering and the old ways are not working, brings a change in Spirituality. The teachings never change. It is only the way that it is given that changes according to the needs of the times.

The change has started: those who have eyes can see, those who have ears may hear. It is always darker before the dawn, but the more darkness there is, so the more light there is before us.


Revolution implies doing things differently than was done before. This Spiritual Revolution will change the way that that Power is given to each soul. It is no longer the time of Physical Living Masters. In order to overcome the divisions that resulted after each Master passed, now the Power will be given directly to each soul with no intermediary required, the quickest and most direct way to evolve humankind from a mere material and physical existence to become one with the Highest Consciousness. Only if our consciousness is developed to such an extent that we can distinguish truth from untruth, then all Divine qualities will pass onto mankind, and then there can be a real change in humanity. This is the process of reformation called man-making which only the Highest Consciousness can do in All of us.

It is time for the world to move from a lower level of existence to a higher level. This Spiritual Change will reveal the already existing Unity of Man, which is the only solution to all the difficulties man faces in his life.

If we wish to see all mankind become man in the true sense, we should start with our own self.


The Golden Age is arising from the Iron Age. So awakening is going on, all around, in the East and the West. So, springtime is upon us now; there will be more fragrant Saints, I would say now, who will come up and give us through the grace of God, a contact with the God-into-Expression Power. And this is the revolution, the spiritual revolution, which is coming.

The harvest is ripe. Laborers are needed. Many, many laborers are needed.

Sant Kirpal Singh

Whenever Sant Kirpal Singh was asked, “who will be your successor?”, He answered, “You are all my Saints. I want to work with thousands of hands. I will never let you down.” Not one higher than all others, but you and me, and him and her together. Everybody. Every nationality, every race, every religion. Because spirituality is not an expression of any particular faith. It is of no consequence as to what faith you profess.

Thousands of hands under the inner guidance of the Highest Consciousness, with the outer help of conscious brothers and sisters in God. The task of each and everybody is to become a living example of the truth, and it is His task to develop each soul internally to be fit ambassadors in changing the hearts of mankind. We only need to want to. Each person will be the center of the spiritual revolution, and that is why we need to be developed; because the revolution will start on the individual level, against the evil propensities of the mind. No religion, or outer institution can help, it is strictly an internal process of man-making. That Christpower, Godpower or Masterpower lives in the physical body but he doesn't leave his mission and he never dies. It is He, and only He, who can work in so many different forms when he makes us conscious. (For more information, see the epilogue below )


It is basic human nature to love and want to help others, because we are actually Divine in nature. But it is also human nature that our earthly minds can’t help but be corrupted to some degree, small or large, by self-interest. Therefore, to really help anyone, we have to become like the highest Saints or Masters, whose love flows freely, uncontaminated by petty considerations of the world. The Source that created everything, loves everything it created. So, if we want to really love and help all creation, we should realize the Source, or Godpower who we actually are, and help others realize it as well.

Because the highest mission in life is to know God in man, and to let others know God. That's the highest mission. And for that, we must be aware - conscious. That consciousness will come only to people who are fully developed.

So, all are lovingly invited to take their share in the spiritual field. Let each one do his or her very best for this Great Cause. The coming spirituality is lying on the shoulders of those who have got the right understanding. If we speak with a true heart there will be radiation; it will have its effect on others. And when everything is aligned with that higher purpose, you will have to do nothing, because it will be God doing the work through your own hands.

Sant Kirpal Singh


EPILOGUE Some further clarification about the coming Spiritual Revolution.

Sant Kirpal Singh had given many clues before He passed away about the exact way in which Spirituality would change.

1. He often said that one cannot underestimate the physical presence of the Master. And yet it was reported, (in Sat Sandesh, September, 1974) a month after he had passed away, that...

His Holiness did not entrust the spiritual work to any individual…

2. Before He left His physical body, the Master Himself said …

So now, these are my very last words. I am leaving you physically but not spiritually. That power is with you all along, Only you have just to turn your face inside.

3. And about His successor...

When Master was asked who his successor was, He said, “You were all my Saints, go do the work”, and further, “I want to work with thousands of hands.”
So Spring time is upon us now; there will be more fragrant Saints, I would say now, who will come up and give us through the grace of God, a contact with the God-into-Expression Power.

Who were these fragrant Saints, these thousands of hands, that Master wanted to work with? And what of the physical presence of the Master that He said was needed? We are the physical presence, and He is our very soul. And if we bring Him to life within us, that physical presence can not be underestimated. We are the thousands of physical saints to do the outer work and He is responsible for the inner work. That power lives in the physical body but He doesn't leave His mission and He never dies.

He came to take everyone back home. God does not exclude anyone from His love. It was said that Master was commissioned to have initiated 500,000 souls, but had only initiated 150,000 by the time He passed on. A Master of the caliber of Sant Kirpal Singh, the God Power itself, would never break his word. Master still has to initiate 350,000 souls, which He promised He will do. Himself.

So, there is no cut-off point of eligibility for getting the grace of the Highest Power, as evidenced by the many accounts of individuals all over the world, who never met nor even heard of the Master until He started appearing to them within, well after He had discarded His body. So in truth, we all are the physical presence of the Master, the Living Master, we just haven’t realized it yet.

Whenever Masters came, they revised the ordinances of the age, thereby affording continuance of Their Missions. The times have changed. Sant Kirpal Singh

Unity of Man

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