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Writer's pictureSant Kirpal Singh

The three eternal truths of life

Updated: Apr 28

In this material world, everyone is measured and valued by how much they “do”. Everyone runs around doing, exerting, not realizing that every action done in our own name further entangles us in this world of karmas, taking us further away from our birthright and purpose of life -  to know who we really are. Understanding the three eternal truths of life will bring us back to the center of who we really are, and ultimately set us free.

TRUTH # 1- God is the Hidden Treasure in each of us:

It all starts with the realization of the first truth that we can never find God outside ourselves as God is the Hidden Treasure in us, looking out through our eyes. The real unity, of the soul with God, already exists. (To read more see: The Hidden Treasure)

TRUTH # 2- The living moment is where we connect with God.   Life only happens now, in the living moment; not in the finished past or imaginary future. It is the only place where the soul can just “be”, where it can meet the God within, and live each moment in full consciousness and love. (To read more see: The Living Moment)

TRUTH # 3- We are puppets in the hands of God.

All that we see is the play of the Creator, but we are confused because we think that it is we doing, causing, and creating everything. By not recognizing the hidden hand behind the drama of life, we must collect the reactions of our actions, good or bad.

“..if I am .. in the army and an officer orders me, "Do this," I have to do it….It is the officer who gives the order, "Fire," and this boy (I) has to do it. The officer is responsible. You are bound; you can't help it. The only thing is, you must not become the doer; then it's all right, you are saved. It is not of your own initiative that you are doing it. That's the main underlying thing…”

Sant Kirpal Singh

If we realized that it is God, the Creator who causes everything and we are merely puppets acting out this play, then we can ask for His guidance in all things. With His grace, suffering and karma, or the reaction to all our actions, will be greatly reduced and cease to affect us so harshly.

Simply by understanding that God is causing this to happen to me for my learning, is already a great boost for our right understanding. In the end, it is only God who is looking out through our eyes. In unity, you are God, so He really is the only one doing, through your hands, for your benefit. By and by you will find that "It is He who is working in me and not I”.

One who says, I am doing nothing, becomes a conscious co-worker of the divine plan.

Sant Kirpal Singh

Then everything you do will be done in humility, without the poison of ego, and everything will make you aware of God. This is called being a Conscious Co-worker of the Divine Plan.

…So go deep down into what one says. I wish you to do nothing, that’s all.

 Sant Kirpal Singh


The Master asks us finally, to not be the Doer but to let the GodPower or Masterpower do. Then we can leave all our worries to Him, and just sit back and enjoy this ride called life, knowing that anything our Father wants for us is far better than anything we can possibly imagine for ourselves.

So, what does it mean to be a puppet? It simply means to live by His inspiration only. There is only One, and no other.

Unity of Man Canada

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