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Writer's pictureSant Kirpal Singh

The Misery of Doership

Updated: Dec 6, 2022

All this misery is from within. It is not a change in our circumstances, but deliverance from the thralldom of the self, the petty “ego” that sits a tyrant robbing us of the bliss that is our heritage as children of God.

True knowledge, true freedom is life without ego – with no thought that one is the doer.

When we forget the Lord, our ego naturally gets bloated, and we are caught up in our conflicts

Every man feels he is the doer. When you are the doer then whatever you do will react. As you sow, so shall you reap.

Your ego is there. So good and bad actions will result in good or bad... You will have to bear the fruits of your actions.

But when a man sees that He, God, the Controlling Power is the doer, he sees that Power working, manifesting in all, he at once becomes an agent, a mere cog, or an insignificant instrument in the Divine set up.

A man is sitting at the powerhouse. The whole machinery is run by the powerhouse. But the man sitting in charge at the powerhouse sees nothing can be done without the Power.

Then all one’s seeming acts are acts of the invisible Power, and one is only a witness thereof. This is figuratively called becoming a conscious co-worker of the Divine Plan, of the Power of God.

Once this delusion of doership is dispelled, there remains nothing to bind the individual…and there'll be nobody to reap, you see. You will be saved that way.

How can we lose this ego?

You will lose your ego only when you see He is doing-you are not the doer. (And moreover, you will realize that all are in the same boat). It is not you who are working, but some Higher Power.

If a man does nothing whatsoever, he recedes into his own self. God didn't do anything; He was one and wished to be many. He wished-and there were many…One who says, "I am doing nothing." becomes a conscious co-worker of the divine plan. Then he says, "He is the Doer. I'm a mere puppet in the Hands of God."

I wish you to do nothing, that's all.

So, really, when I know some Power is the doer, why should I take credit? This would be only acting and posing, you see.

There is a way out.

The Saints tell us that there is a way out. If we could but understand the Law and the Will of God, we cease to be the doer of deeds.

Then we would see the invisible Hand of God working in all directions. In this way from doer we become mere seers or onlookers

Hold back your mind from pride, for pride only comes from ignorance. The man who does not know thinks that he has done this or that great thing; the wise man knows that only God is great, that all good work is done by God alone

Never think for a moment that man has anything in his control. Everything is already ordained. The Controlling Power is doing everything.. When God's pen runs according to one's past karmas, man has nothing to say in it.

"It is He that is doing it, not I." If you become conscious of the Hand moving and you stick to it, then you won't be ground (down); you'll be free. So, in the man-body we have one concession: we can go back to our home if we become conscious co-workers of the Divine Plan - we lose our ego -and ego will be lost only when you see some Power is working through you.

Sant Kirpal Singh

If we allow God to live in our eyes, we will blossom without having to exert ourselves, simply through loving remembrance.

Mrs Surinder Kaur

(former President Kirpal Sagar)

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