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Writer's pictureSant Kirpal Singh

There is a Creator. What is the proof ? The proof is you.

The One you are looking for, is the One who is looking Saint Francis D'Assissi
We have put God so far away from us, somewhere high on a shelf and are lost...

There is nothing random in this universe. Every living thing has an intent to exist because the Highest Power or Source of Life we call God was One and He wanted to become many. In this way - man, God’s highest creation, the only form in which God can be realized, was created in His image. God is spirit and when spirit vibrates very slowly, it materializes, or becomes matter. It is the same, but in a different form. And just as water and ice are the same substance but in different forms, so are God and man, both divine spirit in essence - only, in man it is not yet realized.

So, the basic teachings of all Masters, is that you should find God within your own body, and that God our Father is living in each and everyone. This is the urgent need of the time.

The Pathless Path

Yet, we have put God so far away from us somewhere high on a shelf and are lost in this world because we consider God as apart from ourselves. This is at the root of all our problems in this world - He is only a concept for us, with no real meaning in our lives.

This Power is not the vengeful God of religious lore. This Power is All-Love, All-Bliss, and it loves everyone and everything unconditionally. We could live so peacefully if we realized the truth, but we have all been misled by our leaders who tell us that their way is the only right way. Instead of bringing us closer to this fountain of love, religious leaders have created distrust of God Himself and of each other, for their own purposes.

But as Saint Kabir stated, the spiritual path is a pathless path. There is no path to God, but God Himself. What path do you need when He sits in you? You can only meet Him where you are; in your own self. There is no path; no correct religion to follow - it is just truth that matters, the same truth for all. Then, no one can misguide you.

We can form a personal link with God simply by becoming conscious that He is right here, looking out through our own eyes, and further, once we find Him in ourselves, we can love Him in everyone else. Then you will not be capable of hurting others because you know He is in everyone. So there will just be love, no fear.

The only thing that matters is that each of us make God important in our lives again. That He, not our minds, not our bodies, not the opinions of others, become the ruling force in our lives. It is the only hope for humanity. God or love is the One force in which we are all united. Separation and division is only in our minds, and if you become conscious, you can know this right away. It is all God, but that realization starts with you. So, this is the real salvation, the solution to the whole problem.

Sant Kirpal Singh

In the Iron Age that is just finishing, it was necessary to have a human pole in the form of a Master to guide humanity. Every Saint had His commission and His time. The Almighty Power Himself came in the form of Sant Kirpal Singh to bring about the Golden Age of Consciousness. And now, in the Golden Age, the power is given directly from the Source to each soul. Sant Kirpal Singh’s Mission, Unity of Man is to reveal the already existing unity between God and man.

During the last Unity of Man Conference, Sant Kirpal Singh stated that He wanted to work with thousands of hands. But to work with thousands of hands, He was responsible for developing them to do the work. Now that God-Power or Master-Power is present in both the spirit form, as our Soul, as well as in the physical form of each human being, a thousand hands. So, there is no separation, He is 100% present, and we have a direct link in our very own bodies, we only need to become conscious.

Unity of Man

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