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Writer's pictureSant Kirpal Singh


In February 1974, Sant Kirpal Singh, convened the World Conference on Unity of Man in Delhi, India, bringing together various political, social and religious leaders of different faiths, races, nationalities and creeds from all the world over to sit together on the same platform in order to propagate the idea of the Unity of all mankind. It was one of largest gatherings of its kind ever assembled, held at the level of Man, with the noble purpose of fostering universal brotherhood leading to universal harmony.

Sant Kirpal Singh with Pope Paul VI, and Baron von Bloomberg


Man is basically the same everywhere. Physically, all men are born the same way. All have the same privileges from God, with the same inner and outer construction, and are controlled in the physical body by the same Power; God or Higher Consciousness .

All men are also the same on the level of the soul. They worship the same God in different names, and are conscious entities; being of the same essence as God, they are members of His family, and thus are related to each other as brothers and sisters in Him.

So simply put, the Unity of Man Concept affirms the ideal that even with all the seeming differences in the make-up of man and his modes of living and thinking, man is essentially and basically … the same everywhere; Unity already exists. We are already One, we have just forgotten.

The awakened and enlightened spiritual teachers who came to this world at various points of time and in various parts, have invariably emphasized this Truth in their own language and manner. In the words of Guru Nanak, the founder of the Sikh religion, (1469-1539)

The highest order is to rise into Universal brotherhood; Aye, to consider all creation your equal.

However, the world today is torn by strains and tensions of every kind. ..We see individuals at war with one another, and similarly, nations are constantly involved in conflicts and clashes with each other, thus spoiling the peace and tranquility.

The Importance of the Unity of Man Concept

The message of Unity of Man can reform mankind. So, it is necessary that greater effort should be made toward the realization of Unity of Man. We have to realize that every human being is as much a member of the brotherhood as we are, and is obviously entitled to the same rights and privileges as are available to us. We must therefore make sure that while our own children make merry, our neighbor’s son does not go without food; and if we really practice this, much present-day conflict will be eliminated.

Each of us will develop mutual recognition, respect and understanding for the other, thus wiping out the gross inequities of life. In this process, as the mutual recognition and understanding develops, it becomes a vital force generating a reservoir of fellow feeling (compassion)…and cementing and strengthening the solidarity of mankind.

Living the Unity of Man concept will, with God’s help, remove all the barriers of religious and national conflict, bringing about understanding between all individuals and eventually world peace

How can Unity be achieved?

This Conference marked the beginning of Sant Kirpal Singh’s own Mission; the Unity of Man, to reveal the existing Unity of all Mankind as children of the same Father. As quoted by His Disciple, and former chairman of Unity of Man, Dr. Harbhajan Singh

If the ideal of unity has become our heart-felt desire, it will spread like a wildfire burning all hatred, enmity, separation, duality, and egotism. What will prevail is oneness.

This message of the Unity of Man must reach every human heart irrespective of religious and social labels so that it comes home to every individual, enabling him to actually put it in practice in life and pass it on to others; in this way, the entire human society could be reformed. Truly speaking, Unity already exists, but we have forgotten. The lesson has only to be revived.

It is therefore earnestly requested that all those who believe in the Unity of Man and wish to carry its message must work ceaselessly so that it may reach the lonest corner of the world…by taking this Gospel to every human heart around them and convincing them of the need of its acceptance in daily life.

Sant Kirpal Singh

His Mission Unity of Man is now to raise the consciousness of humanity to such a level that it can understand and practice the unity that already exists.

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