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Writer's pictureSant Kirpal Singh

What God wants

Updated: Jun 4

No amount of intellect can fathom God. No amount of austerity can enable you to attain God. Only when one loves Him, and loses oneself in Him, can one find Him.....   
I want you to love. That will give you physical health, moral health and spiritual health. That is the only way back to God.   Sant Kirpal Singh

With much reverence in our hearts, we go to holy places of worship to offer prayers, ask for blessings or engage in other devotional services to God. Unfortunately, we soon forget what we have heard, or worse, act contrary to the teachings. It is because we care much about what we want from God, but have we ever given a thought to what God wants from us?


God wants us to love. Every Master Saint has said the same thing. Love thy God with all thy heart and love all His creation. We are love personified, our soul being of the same essence as God. As God is love, we are love as well. The mind tells us otherwise, and may not let you believe this, but this is the truth that we need to make it understand. Since love is innate in our soul, it is not in our nature to hate; our true nature is to love.  Master will teach us how to really love.

Ultimately love knows unification. All duality is gone. It cannot remain two. It becomes one: two in one. Sant Kirpal Singh

The key to loving God, is knowing we are one with Him already. We are so helpless, constantly tossed around by the winds of chance, so naturally we seek the protection of a Higher Power. But to only want that kind of relationship with God creates a sense of separation, of a devotee and an impersonal, far-away God to whom we pray. In reality, there is absolutely no separation between us and God at all, and if you remember that right now, it is only He looking out through your eyes, Master develops that love within you, unasked for. 


is right here right now, for all times, exactly where you are and love of the Master is the key to unlock this treasure. Just Love Him as much as you can. Then you will truly love God in yourself and in everyone else.


Unity of Man Canada

Through the grace of Sant Kirpal Singh, and His Mission, Unity of Man, this universal message of love will be carried to each and every corner of this world.

All, regardless of their race, nationality, or religion are invited to participate in this movement whose aim is to bring a divine inner change that will have far-reaching effects on the outer world. 

Sant Kirpal Singh

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