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Writer's pictureSant Kirpal Singh

What is Higher Consciousness ?

Everyone speaks of Higher Consciousness, of achieving Higher Consciousness, but what exactly is it? It is (a matter) not of the level of feelings or emotions or drawing inferences. Higher consciousness can only be experienced.

So, what is higher consciousness? It is the awareness that we are something higher. That God is within us, that we are the same essence as that of God.

Man is an ensouled entity gifted with body, mind and intellect. Though he takes good care of his body, and has made many strides intellectually, he remains ignorant about his true self - the soul.. Consciousness is that state of awakening or awareness of who we are and what we are; the realization that we are not the body, but the soul which is the driving force within us, and from which body and mind derive their strength. We may call it consciousness; it is who we are and what we are ..and unless man knows himself, he cannot know the higher consciousness: God.

Unfortunately, the Spirit has completely and tragically forgotten its Godhood, its Divine origin, and latent Divinity, which needs awakening before coming into its own. Ignoring this is the root cause of this deplorable state of things.

Without consciousness of who you are, what you are, you will sink lower into the traps of this world. The Masters appeal to our better instincts. ”Oh soul, you are a part of the All-consciousness. But by connecting yourself with the low caste mind, you have forgotten your true and noble identity in the sense-enjoyments and have become the body’s image and the image of the world”. This is what is at the root of all unhappiness.

Unless the mind is controlled, senses disciplined, and intellect is stilled, we cannot have experience of self-realization. The alphabet to spiritual progress commences with the control of mind. It (the mind) is enthralled by the outgoing faculties of senses and is thus driven helplessly into the mire of sense-gratification. So you must withdraw your attention from all outside. On the spiritual path of God-realization, one must take first take steps toward self-realization.

Why is Self-realization so IMPORTANT?

We are conscious beings. To be evolved conscious entities, we must be in contact with All-Consciousness. If you come in contact with the material things (put our attention on) more than the spiritual things, the result is that your consciousness will be marred, lessened… This is very important; Masters say those who do not constantly come in touch with All-Consciousness, they are slowly committing suicide. If the consciousness is lessened, it is suicide..

At present, we are dragged everywhere by our senses. So we feel every emotion of every happening. But if we put our attention to the higher consciousness, we will not be affected by what is going on in this world... We need only to turn our attention to him. He will show us the way.

If his mind is turned to the physical body and its needs, man becomes earthly. The inevitable result is jealousies and strifes.

How to get to Higher Consciousness

This is a matter to be experienced, it cannot be expressed in words. Higher consciousness can only be experienced or risen into.. It is the Master Saints alone who can absorb your whole attention, or soul and take you further on to raise your consciousness. What is in Him will be transmitted to you, reflected in you. And what will be the result? He will take you to such a state of being where you will have everlasting life, peace and all joy, eternity, and all wisdom. So don't forget Him. Do nothing more, you’ll become what He is. That Power is with you; if you just turn your face to Him, He will come forward to receive you – hundreds of steps, if you take one step.

The Awakening of Consciousness in Man

Awakening a person’s consciousness is God’s work alone. It is purely an internal process, but right understanding imparts help from outside.

There's awakening coming up. The Mission of Sant Kirpal Singh, in the name of Unity of Man, is to expand the consciousness of humanity to such an extent that it can distinguish between truth and illusion.

Great is man. He has in him a drop of the Divine Consciousness like everything else in the creation. Though apparently, he looks like a puny child, yet… he has untold possibilities hidden in him. He was made by God after His own image. He has the latent spiritual treasures buried in the depths of his mind. If he has a grain of faith in his powers, he can, move mighty mountains…

Sant Kirpal Singh

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