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Prayer by Sant Kirpal Singh. Possibly before a meditation sitting.

Those who turn their face towards Him will receive ample proof of his competency




Respected worldwide as a Saint of the 20th century, Sant Kirpal Singh

(February 6, 1894 - August 21, 1974) was born in Sayyad Kasran, once a part of India now situated in Pakistan.


Sant Kirpal Singh did not teach any new faith. He treated the subject of spirituality, or the study of the soul, as a practical science open to all mankind. His universal teaching centered on the God in all men, and was focused on serving and developing man into a true human being full of love and compassion for his fellow beings.


He always emphasized that though the different religions have different outer rites and rituals, all are after the same truth; a common truth for all mankind, above religions, because as He pointed out, "God made man, and man made religions."  His words are timeless and an unending source of inspiration, giving a guideline for a spiritual life, especially important in today's world.




That Power, called God Power, Christ Power or Master Power, which created everything in existence ever since the world began, also controls and sustains us in the body. This power manifests itself at the human pole (body) of some competent Master Saint, according to the needs of the time, to unite mankind. The Masters have only one goal: to teach mankind how to realize God in themselves - to love God and to love humanity. 


Sant Kirpal Singh was not only a Competent Master, but came into this world with a special Mission; to bring about the great change in spirituality, from the Iron Age to the Golden Age.  This change can only be done by the Highest Power. His Mission in the Golden Age, under the name Unity of Man, is to reveal to humanity  the already existing unity with each other and with the Creator. His Mission, Unity of Man, is the only way back to God in the Golden Age.


Sant Kirpal Singh came to change the way spirituality is given, to bring a Spiritual Revolution, in the Golden Age. Now, the contact is given directly to each soul, with no barrier and no need for any intermediary, giving the shortest way back to God. 


So never depend on others. Help is directed to all,

you are never without Him.



Physically He (Sant Kirpal Singh) left us.  But it does not matter if somebody has seen him physically or not, because He is not the physical body. Many all over the world, who had never met Him while He was on the physical plane, have seen Him manifest both inside and outside. Master may leave the body, as anyone else does, but He is more than a mere body; He is the Almighty Power which never dies.




When this Highest Power leaves the body, it does not transfer His Mission to another human pole, but rather starts working with as He quotes, "thousands of hands-  those who follow His teachings and become conscious ambassadors of truth, and can carry the message of Unity of Man across all barriers of misunderstanding and mutual distrust until it strikes home to every heart.


He Himself will be responsible for the inner work and conscious people will take on the task to explain the theory and to give a practical example for a spiritual life.​ But to work with thousands of hands, the Masterpower is responsible for developing each soul to do the work. This process called man-making, will elevate one's consciousness and result in true spiritual progress.​ 


Man-Making is the highest ideal of all.




To find God is not difficult.

  To make a man is difficult 


 Sant Kirpal Singh





Man can change for the better, can he not? Man-making , the highest ideal of all is the process which reveals the God in man.


It is a difficult, long drawn-out struggle with the lower tendencies of the mind and the senses, which always tries to make us believe that we are separate from God.


The Master Power comes into the world to release the soul from the mind and senses.  If one simply makes an effort to change for the better, and firmly sticks to their resolution, all else will follow on its own, as the Gracious Master Power is will be there to extend all feasible help, grace and protection.


 If you will follow these divine principles, the inner change of life will follow automatically, and you will find a new sense of peace that stands unshaken even in the most difficult situations. In order to learn all these lessons of man making…we would therefore need a practical school of learning.


This is called a MAN MAKING CENTER.

KIRPAL SAGAR - Man-Making Center


Kings, Governments, and rich persons can create cities, but holy places are built only by the Masters, they are built in

the omnipresence of the Masterpower.

Kirpal Sagar is a man-making and man-service centre. Here you   will find a place that lays the foundation for spirituality in a practical way.




I am sending you the following message, which will bring

peace to all the world over...



Sant Kirpal Singh


You must first be good to be able to do good. Being good means good in thought, word and deed, and seeing goodness in all around you as God is all goodness, God is all love, and innate in all.  Be One: God made man. As mankind we are all one; as soul we all are of the same essence as that of God. Unity already exists, we have forgotten. Be One.



​Kirpal Sagar is a common ground for all people to come together, irrespective of caste, colour, creed, religion or country; it belongs to all human beings of the world.

It is not the buildings or people that makes Kirpal Sagar special; it is the charged atmosphere due to the direct contact with the highest Spiritual region, and the ever continuing presence of the Master Power. It is a place that reveals the God within you. 

The Sarovar, A non-denominational place of meditation with the symbols of the major religions.

"The benefit the soul and the people who come here will get -

that is beyond expression - it is a matter to be seen,

not a matter to be talked of ”


Dr Harbhajan Singh,

former chairman of  Kirpal Sagar & initiate of Sant Kirpal Singh



"This will be the holiest place in the world in the coming time."

Sant Kirpal Singh

The Patel Puri- The Highest Conscious Power is always present here.
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